Acoustic Panels for Walls

Acoustic Panels for Walls

Acoustic treatment is usually done on walls or ceilings. Our environmental friendly acoustic panels for walls are widely used in classrooms, recording studios, conference rooms, hotel lobby, auditorium, education facilities, leisure centres, reception areas, studio sound, and so on.

Let’s take classrooms acoustics for example.

Noise reduction panels for walls are not applied so far in many classrooms. Studies have shown that many children are in trouble in a big classroom because the hard interior panels for walls in the classroom reflect noise. Windows, doors and paint surfaces are all reflective materials. Too much reflected sound may confuse the ears.

The sound arrives from several different directions at different times, which leads to a reduction in clarity. To overcome this, teachers often increase the volume of speech, which adding to the noise problem. Excessive noise and reverberation can interfere with voice clarity, which reducing student’s comprehension and reducing learning. Thus, sound dampening panels for walls should be considered in classrooms.

Acoustic consultants believe that the best acoustic management for good learning outcomes are as follows:

*Reduce incidental noise in the classroom with sound absorbing panels for walls, so that students can hear each other, as well as teachers.
*Children can be noisy, so acoustic panels for walls or ceilings are needed to suppress the sound to avoid too much noise reflected.
*Highlight the sound of the teacher at the front of the classroom to ensure that all students can hear within the whole room.
*Reduce distracting noise from outside so that students and teachers can concentrate.

Students must be able to hear the teacher, including those sitting at the back of the classroom, so you need to consider the surface and materials used in the floor, walls and ceiling rooms. If the teacher’s voice constantly reflected by walls and ceiling of classroom, each echo will interfere with the next word, making the speech difficult to understand.

Our acoustic panels for walls are available in about 30 colors, several framing profiles and lots of matching patterns, which make them be able to suit any education environment. Coloured panels for walls are especially suitable for kindergarten or nursery school as colors inspire children rather than cold white panelling for walls.

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Acoustic Sound Panels for Walls – Classroom Solution

With the development of teaching methods, teaching styles keep increasing, the requirements for teaching space is also getting higher and higher. In most cases, previous thinking and planning can correct or eliminate poor acoustics. Teachers move in the room can encourage students to be more interactive, and thus create more need to promote two-way communication.

Previously to correct the long reverberation time in the classroom is to install the sound absorbing ceiling baffle, which do meet the reverberation time required for classroom, but it is still a challenge for students sitting at far away from teacher to hear the teacher. Hanging acoustic ceilings tiles with grid systems are often not conducive to minimizing the sound produced from rooms, corridors and rain.

When acoustic panels for walls are applied, the reflection in the center of the room is good. Because this allows the sound to travel through the center of the classroom to the perimeter and then get absorbed.


New Zealand


For more information about 3D wall boards, please visit articles below:

Exploring the Benefits of Three D Wall Panels in Interior Design
How to Choose the Right 3D Tiles For Wall for Your Space
Enhancing Acoustic Performance with Acoustic 3D Tile
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